Committed to safeguarding the Lake Tanganyika ecosystem whilst improving the welfare of her local communities

Our Vision
A healthy Lake Tanganyika with thriving fish populations, forests and people.
Protecting Special-ness
Many fishing nets get snagged on rocks, and pieces are broken off. Although broken, they still pose massive environmental hazards, destroying innocent fish populations.
A group of divers from SUSTAIN recently performed an environmental dive to clear the area of old discarded nets
Help us do MORE
Any support would be greatly appreciated. We are a small NGO we pride ourselves on ensuring that every $ given goes directly to the cause intended. Even a little can go a very long way!
Where are we?
Kipili Village
+255 757 299 371

Empowering local villagers to manage and protect their fish habitat

Establishing Marine Protected Areas in key biodiversity hotspots on Lake Tanganyika

Preventing extinctions of endangered cichlids

Ensuring food security

Protecting the miombo forests
SUSTAIN donated a gas stove to EVERY house in the Kipili Village. With over 600 households, now able to use gas, we have made these houses safer and to endorsed our commitment to saving our surrounding forests, by reducing to demand for wild-cut timber.